Save A Life Tonight (SALT) campaign

Our Save A Life Tonight (SALT) campaign provides a family with a safe place to stay for one night before the threat of violence takes place. 

We’ll provide them with all of their essential needs and access to a domestic violence expert. We’ll work with the family and provide a range of integrated services, from safety planning and medical assistance to referrals to psychologists and essential support services for their children. 

We know that many survivors would have left their violent home sooner if they had a safe place to stay. A place to collect their thoughts and make a plan. 

Our SunnyKids village of support will ensure the family gets the support they need to get back on their feet. We’ll continue to work with the family until they no longer need us.  

You can listen to our CEO, Kathleen Hope during her podcast with IN Noosa Magazines John Caruso where she shines a light on the devastating impacts of domestic and family violence and discusses this incredible initiative, SALT. 

Listen here.

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