P100 Village – SunnyKids regular giving program celebrates 10 years –

P100 Village shaping the landscape of our regular giving program.

It’s hard to believe that ten years ago we had just a small group of P100 members who helped form what we now know as our P100 Village. Shaping the landscape of our regular giving program and paving the way for the growth of an incredible community of like-minded and generous individuals who continually support our cause.

“Our P100 Village has grown significantly over the last ten years,” says SunnyKids CEO, Kathleen Hope. “It’s incredible to think that our village started out with four founding members, now we have over 130 members. To have this many supporters in our corner, supporting our work, advocating for us, it’s remarkable and we’re extremely grateful.”

Our P100 Village support the critical work we do with women and children directly impacted by domestic and family violence through our regular giving program. Our P100 members give $100 each month, this generosity supports the operational costs of SunnyKids and ensures the life-saving work taking place on the frontline can continue.

SunnyKids Business & Relationships Manager, Sue Gilbert believes there’s something truly special about our P100 members. “Over ten years, we’ve built a community of people who genuinely care about the wellbeing and safety of vulnerable children and their families. To have a large group of socially conscious people driven to create change within a community, is truly something else, it’s very special,” says Sue.

Demand for domestic and family violence support within our community, continues to increase. “We can’t see a decrease in the level of demand for our frontline services and early intervention services in the foreseeable future,” says Kathleen. “We’re in the middle of a nationwide crisis and sadly we know we will continue to see an increase in demand for our support services well into the future.”

In the last financial year, we supplied nearly 9,000 bed nights to women and children who required a safe place to sleep and supported over 1,500 children who needed our help. This critical work plays a vital role in breaking the cycle of violence within our community, helping shape brighter futures for everyone.

To celebrate our P100 Village members and showcase their generosity and strong corporate social responsibility, we’ve created a P100 Village Directory. This directory not only encourages P100 members to actively support each other and promote each other’s business. But also demonstrates our commitment to our incredible village and the immense gratitude we have for the invaluable support they provide us.

This directory showcases the wonderful community we have supporting the vital work we do. We’ll be regularly updating our digital version each quarter and printing hard copies once a year.

If you’re a P100 Village member and are yet to receive your hard copy of the directory, please reach out to us.

If you’d like to find out more about our P100 Village please contact Sue Gilbert or Katie Alden on 07 5479 0394 or admin@sunnykids.org.au.

Join our P100 Village today

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